Season 3 '24
A place beyond the grocery stores, tarmac lots and hotel lobbies. A place behind the chain shops, expensive restaurants and cosmetic stores. That place you know exists but you can’t quite stumble across. You’ve heard about it. Your friends have been there. Maybe it’s closed today? Maybe it’s gone. Or maybe it keeps moving. It was down at the beach front the other day. It was in that gig. It’s hidden in those songs you play late at night. It’s at the bottom of your next beer.
It arrives when you see your crush. It disappears when you try hold onto it.
It’s never in the same place, unless you didn’t expect it to be. From my experience, it’s found in the depths of a city or in the waves, at the beach. A secret feeling of bliss. The kind of energy Beach Brains tries to emulate. To sew into. Pull inspiration from.

Garments made for the hot sun at its highest, beach days and salt. Garments made for long nights out, sweat and wandering. 12:00 till 12:00. From the city to the beach. We have you.
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