Beach Brains, Summer 21/22. We will build our own palace.
You stand at the water’s edge, wind whips sand against your skin. The ocean is dark and ominous. Nature has a gothic twist, you feel as though you are standing alone in the Notre Dame on the verge of a religious experience. The world becomes your cathedral, you feel brave, standing tall like a thistle in an open field. At the same time the calmness of your insignificance washes through your mind. The sand under your feet doesn’t match the number of stars above you. When feeling such magnitude do you run or do you make sense of the chaos, build your own palace, a safe place to exist in such an odd place.
Within the prints and patch work we have the Scottish thistle symbolizing the bravery needed to begin any journey and the eight-sided star representing the nautical tool of navigation to overcome obstacles that attempt to knock you off your path.