Who are you? in one sentence.
Kingsley - 24 year old photographer from Auckland, who enjoys an ice cold Kingfisher
What do you do to pay your rent?
Kingsley - I work in warehousing at Public Library during the Monday-Friday 9-5 and partake in freelancing photography work in the afterhours.
What’s your favourite tattoo or scar? Why? Share a photo.
Kingsley - Has to be this terrible home job on my ankle - I drew this guy up and convinced my flatmates to play short straws for who had to get it tattooed. I ended up pulling the shortest straw and half an hour later it was on there for life. Shit tattoos rule.
Close second has to be the ‘BB’ , Bean burritos for life brother!
If you could be someone from the past who would you be?
Kingsley - Damn this is a tough one ! Let’s go with prime Juicy J in 3 6 Mafia days, dudes got the best one liners, style and endless bangers. We trippy manee!
Best advice an ex has ever given you?
Kingsley - Shit, Ex’s are Ex’s for a reason right. Don’t chase em, replace em.
If you could travel anywhere right now where would you go?
Kingsley - Straight back to Oceanside California, without hesitation. It’s like Devonport on steroids. Start the morning with an Americano from Steelmill, meet up with the homies, go skate, eat at Johnny Tomorrows and drink whiteclaws. What else could you ask for - Someone get me a green card.
Sweden comes in just under that. Shout out Simon Rex.
Who’s your favourite artist? Share an image
Kingsley - This French Photographer – Jeanloup Sieff, his black and white work is beyond amazing. I draw a lot of inspiration from his work when I’m doing my B/W’s, the tones and final image processing in his work is insane.
Best eat out?
Kingsley - Parade Ponsonby, Thursday nights. Chicken burger. See ya there, thank me later.
If you could have anything on the BB site, what would it be?
Kingsley - Blue Lagoon Hoodie or the Soft Hoodie. Gotta love a tasteful nude - Good shit brother.
What album are you taking to your grave?
Kingsley - Denzel Curry – Imperial Album or Azizi Gibson – Backwards books.
Caters for all moods, good one to bang out when you need to destress.
Azizi is a goat.
Who’s your best mate? Should we interview them?
Kingsley - This is a hard one to narrow down to one person, probably both the boys I live with. Kiddy & Skelly - come over to the flat and interview both my flatmates. You’re bound to leave with some good content.
What inspires you and gets you pumped?
Kingsley - Cheesy but I’ll run with that internal stoke that happens when I edit up a photo I’m proud of - watching other people’s reactions to it gets me pumped.
I try to take inspiration from everything around me, whether that’s the surrounds, my mood, music, movies, pretty much anything that catches my eye. The worlds a beautiful place.
Beach, Concrete or bush?
Kingsley - Concrete, Big city life!
What film speaks to you?
Kingsley - Don’t know if I had one – I just watched all the Hannibal movies for the first time. Those are pretty wild. Otherwise Waynes World is a timeless classic.
Best advice you could share with your drunk self?
Kingsley - Drink some water before you go to bed. The last roadie might not be a good idea and probably don’t send that message.
What was the last thing you cooked?
Kingsley - Other than my brain? Made a pretty fire Bagel, cream cheese, eggs, bacon and spinach. Little hot sauce on the top. You’re good to go!
Who’s your arch nemesis?
Kingsley - Pollen, Hayfever season approaches and I’m about to die.
Who’s your angel?
Kingsley - Kingfisher Premium Larger beer, shout out to that guy.